Diabetic subjects following the Zone methodology compared to the recommended ADA diet showed the following results after an 8-week study:
To keep the interest going, they studied the Zone users for another 8 weeks and they found that H1C levels dropped another 9% to just over 20% from original levels, triglycerides were down over 35% from original levels, diastolic/systolic bp readings had dropped over 10% from original levels, and total cholesterol levels were down approximately 10%.
I am not a type II diabetic, nor do I want to become one....I find it intriguing that a combination of food - or as Dr. Sears likes to note, treating food like a drug - where you need a certain dosage at certain times throughout the day can show these results.
Beyond health benefits, the books discuss the following - in that, if you keep yourself in the Zone, you will:
I find it interesting (particularly for myself who has read a number of diet books, methodologies, etc) that for 220 pages, he discusses the science, evolution, and health studies behind this type of a plan. He doesn't do the usual diet mumbo-jumbo about helping the reader create a diet plan and put together shopping lists and recipes and then talk about a healthy exercise plan...and of course, the requisite chapter on mental health and reduction of stress.
I highly recommend both books - Enter the Zone is more for nerds like me who love to understand the science and biochemistry behind it all and Mastering the Zone is more of a condensed version to help people get started right away without most of the science.
I will be adding more interesting links and Zone-friendly recipes as I find them.
And of course, a bunch of fresh fruit & veggies!
Rachael (who is Ms. Dessert herself) will be bringing her personal favorites of which I will try my hardest not to indulge!!!!
And of course, we'll add some wine, vodka w/ club soda, and Coke Zero to the list....good for the beach and chick flick DVDs.
I'm very excited, if you can't tell.
I'll post the chicken and herb recipe next, but I'm signing off until Sunday or Monday!If you aren't familiar with shallots, buy some at the local produce market and start using them to replace some of your dishes with onions or garlic. They are very flavorful and add increased benefits to your diet!
Now, for the dreaded workout for tomorrow.....
Renegade Row using 15 lb dumbbells - 50 on each side (L & R = 1 pushup) for time. Basically, a Renegade Row is to be in a high pushup position balancing with your hands on two dumbbells. You push into one dumbbell while pulling the other up to your chest. It's an exercise for back/arms/core. Check out a video of someone doing them here....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2veldVGfrPI
Other options for this omelette include mushrooms (add at tomato step), zucchini, carrot, bell peppers, and anything else you have on hand. For cooking, just remember to add the "crunchier" veggies first, as softer veggies will overcook if you add them all at the same time.
Above were the dishes I ate, if you don't mind carbs...consider the below:
We're trying some new recipes for dinner....if appropriate, I'll post them later.