Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Day 16 - My first deadlift

Weight: -2 lbs
Exercise: Moderate/Strenuous
Diet: Gorged on way too much fat (i.e. sat around eating nuts all day)
Mood: HUNGRY!!!!!

Today was our first coaching session with Andrea and it was awesome. All of us had a great time, got our butts kicked, and got a great workout out of it.

I did my first deadlift!!!! Only 70 lbs....but hopefully I can do more soon.

We did 3 sets of 5 reps with that working weight.

Then two sets of 5 of body rows (similar to pull-ups, but you can leverage some of your body weight to help you)

Then the first workout!!! We did 3 rounds for time of a farmer's walk (using 60 lbs weight) then 5 burpees.

I beat everyone, my time was 5:11. I was very psyched - Andrea's right when she says I like to compete. I think I'd probably do better in a class situation too, but I'm not into this enough (yet) to start getting up at 5 in the morning!

Tomorrow is going to be a tough day for food since we are going out to Buddakan on a date. Check out the amazingness of this restaurant here:

Andrea is sending me more pics of everyone and I will post additional ones throughout the week that are funny.

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