Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Day 29 - Can I make it to 30???

Weight: -2.5 lbs
Workout: Skipped it because I'm lazy and exhausted
Mood: craving Indian food like there is no tomorrow

At this point in the journey, I find that I've completely forgotten about the health benefits of eating well and working out and instead have absolutely no time to cook or do anything.

Oh how happy I will be after my big exam on the 15th so that I can get back on track...but until then, I am going to do my best to progress or at least keep the status quo.

We're going to Andrea's tomorrow so at least I will be doing one hard core workout this week.

My self-motivation has somewhat slipped, to say the least.

Also, I lied yesterday...I ended up eating some french fries with my chicken fingers...i'm so bad.

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