Monday, June 29, 2009

Day 49 - Yes I'm still alive...

It's been a really rough couple of weeks. I know that is no excuse, but it has been. I was dreadfully sick for 10 days, we've been traveling around, I've been prepping for tests and interviews...oh my crazy!!!!

So, I am starting again...unfortunately, I have let myself vacation too much and been too lackadaisical about my diet and exercise routine.

However, my lovely friend Sera is going to be running her first 1/2 marathon since she's been training again in Sept. And I am considering running it with her in support and to raise money for her cause.

Andrea, my coach, has agreed to disagree about training for this run since really it is kind of stupid to run 13 miles. I mean, really, who wants to do that? And now I will have done it twice??? I'm really nuts.

To that point, if I'm going to be ready to run 13 miles in two months, this is the week I need to start tomorrow will be d-day for my first run. I need to put together a training schedule but instead of running every other day like I did for my first half, I plan to do a mix of strength training, metabolic conditioning, and endurance training to keep my injuries at a minimum and maximize my ability to run a good race. We shall see how this plays out or if I decide to commit to the race.

Good to be back in the saddle!

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