Monday, June 8, 2009

Day 28 - Can't I be fat and happy?

At this point in the journey, I've started to rationalize how perhaps only I think I'm fat and everyone else doesn't really notice....well, newsflash - they DO notice, they're just too polite to say anything. I will keep on target even though I almost caved today.

Weight: -2 lbs (wedding damage)
Workout: none - too hungover
Mood: Why does everything that is bad for you taste so good?

Bonnie's wedding was yesterday and the day started off so well....I had a Zone bar and a glass of water....but then nothing else until I put my dress on. This lovely bridesmaid dress was unfortunately a bit snug....seeing as how I was measured for it at my skinniest point and let's just say I didn't quite stay there. And by snug I mean digging into my ribs, hoping it won't rip, and oh my, I cannot breathe snug.

After I put it on, I almost fainted so I figured eating would be a good thing just to make sure my blood sugar was ok...sadly I ingested a glass of OJ and an eighth of a bagel. Awful carbs.

I managed to make it through the ceremony ok and even kept the sugary drinks at bar for the evening, sticking to wine, vodka, and one ceremonious glass of champagne. Ok, the toast was ceremonious, but then Candy gave me a glass, so what was I supposed to do? Was a bit of a bad girl having a bit of pasta during the cocktail hour...but lucky I did because I didn't eat my entree at all.

Then, the dessert room opened and all hell broke loose. I was trying to be good - limiting myself to a small square of cheesecake. Until Qamara and I spotted the chocolate cordial bar. Oh yes, baby shot glasses made of pure chocolate. And it was such a social activity to do cordial shots with everyone....six blissful shots later, I knew I would emerge this AM a disaster....especially when Kyle and I stopped to get a panini on the way home....terrible....

After waking up this AM with a bit of a monster headache...let's just say I drank less than Kyle & Qamara and more than Jen's husband Jim.....getting on the scale was not so exciting.

Today's food:
Breakfast: String cheese
Lunch: Salad
Snack: Pear & havarti cheese
Dinner: Salad & chicken fingers

Somebody give me the metabolism of an Ethiopian please.

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