Friday, July 31, 2009

Day 81 - OUCHIE!!!!!

Ok, I'm only posting because everything hurts like crazy right now. Apparently my most awesome workout ever comes with a price.

For those of you who are self-destructive, I'm taking a page out of your book the last few days.

Nicole has great workout = pigs out on Indian food, doesn't drink any water, and stays up too late.


However, I am somewhat setting myself up for success this weekend. We will be headed to the beautiful Jersey shore where I have made a very healthy and Zone happy menu. Unfortunately, I'm sure I'll be surrounded by chips, sandwiches, and basically every delicious carb known to man that I will have to be good about. I did also bring workout clothes and shoes for both days.

We are taking pictures of ourselves in a bikini next week as both our coach and the master coach are putting together customized nutrition plans for us to take pictures as we progress. I'm really excited about this because I'm already starting to see more definition in my arms and stomach even without major nutrition changes. This will give a good plan to be more focused on these items and see quicker change.

Depending on how brave I am...we'll see if these pictures get posted. I might be that ballsy.

However, I'll let you in on a little secret. Most smart people would try to watch their diet for the first few days before taking the pictures so that they look a little better. My twisted mind tells me to have at it and go for the glory and eat everything in sight so that the pictures look the worst that they could....and then I'll have a better before and after pic. Does that make sense to anyone else?

In more sobering news, I found out that a few of my cousins have been having health problems lately related to their heart and circulatory system...and at a young age. This makes me want to be more serious and really stick to a plan that includes anerobic workouts, strength training, some aerobic workouts (sorry Andrea), and a strong nutrition foundation.

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